Satisfaction Guarantee

Satisfaction Guarantee
Because we are convinced of the quality of our products, we offer you a very special guarantee, our satisfaction guarantee: If you are not 100% satisfied with one of our products, The Haut Company has an extended cancellation period of 30 days, longer than the statutory period of 14 days out.

We give this guarantee on all our skin care products with a content of 30ml or more.

If you are not sure whether you tolerate a product, you can contact us in advance, we will be happy to advise you, or you can order the small travel size in 5ml for testing first 😊

If you are still not satisfied with your product, you can contact us. We welcome any feedback from you to help us improve our products.

You may then, by arrangement, return the product to us no later than 30 days from the date of purchase for a full refund at your expense.